M5 Home Page

Brief Definitions of Angles
Dr. Howard UfigureWhat's an Angle?
Harcourt SchoolAngle

Classification of Angles
About.comTypes of Angles
Algebra LabAngle Classification: Acute, Right, Obtuse

General Information on Angles
Krell InstituteWhat is an Angle, Exactly?
Math CoveAngles
Math ReferenceAngles
Math to Build OnAngles
Triton CollegeAngles

Angles: Topic Index Page
Interactive MathematicsAngles
Math LeagueAngles and Angle Terms

Angle Measurement
About.comMeasuring Angles
Algebra LabDegree and Radian Measurement of Angles
Dave JoyceAngle Measurement
Math LeagueDegrees: Measuring Angles
Math to Build OnDegrees
Rainer RadokAngle and its Measurement

Angles and Parallel Lines
Harcourt SchoolAlternate Exterior Angles
Harcourt SchoolAlternate Interior Angles
Math Education and TechnologyAngles and Parallel Lines
Math ReferenceParallel Lines and Interior Angles
Math to Build OnCrossing and Parallel Lines
Rainer RadokAngles at a Strip

Angles and Circles
Interactive MathematicsAngles Forming a Circle
Interactive MathematicsBearings (Compass)

Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Algebra LabComplementary, Supplementary and Vertical Angles
Harcourt SchoolComplementary Angles
Math LeagueComplementary Angles
Math LeagueSupplementary Angles
SparkNotesAngle Pairs

Vertical Angles
Algebra LabComplementary, Supplementary and Vertical Angles
Interactive MathematicsVertically Opposite Angles
Math LeagueVertical Angles
Math ReferenceVertical Angles
SparkNotesAngle Pairs

Relationships Among Angle Measurements
Harcourt SchoolCorresponding Angles
Interactive MathematicsCalculating the Size of Angles

Other Specific Concepts Relating to Angles
Harcourt SchoolBisect
Interactive MathematicsDrawing Angles Less than 180° with a Protractor
Math LeagueAngle Bisector
SparkNotesDividing Angles and Segments

Interactive Demonstrations
Cut the KnotAngle Bisectors
Cut the KnotAngle Bisectors in a Quadrilateral
Cut the KnotAngle Bisectors and Perpendiculars in a Quadrilateral
Cut the KnotAngle Trisection
Cut the KnotAngle Trisectors on Circumcircle
Cut the KnotAngle Preservation Property

Online Practice - Classifying Angles
Exeter CIMTClassifying Angles
Toon UniversityAngles Game

Online Practice - Measuring Angles
Exeter CIMTMeasuring Angles
KidportMeasuring Angles

Online Practice - Other
Exeter CIMTAngles and Turns
Exeter CIMTAngles on a Line and on a Point
GCSE BiteSize RevisionAngles - Test
SparkNotesDividing Angles and Segments - Practice
SparkNotesAngles - Problems
SparkNotesAngle Pairs - Problems

Online Practice - Angles and Other Geometric Concepts
A+ MathGeometry Flashcards
A+ MathMATHO Geometry Game
A+ MathGeometry Hidden Picture Game
QuiaGeometric Terms
RegentsPrep.OrgVocabulary Practice

Online Practice - Collections
Math NotesAngles and Their Relationships
QuiaIntroduction to Angles

Worksheets - Collections
EdHelperGeometry Worksheets

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Page last updated: February 12, 2005