M5 Home Page
Decimal Numbers

General Information on Decimal Numbers
AAA MathDecimal Numbers
Fact MonsterDecimal Places
Go MathDecimal Numbers
Interactive MathematicsRepresentation of Decimals on a Number Line
The Math PageThe Meaning of Decimals

Comparing Decimal Numbers
Interactive MathematicsComparing Decimals
Math LeagueComparing Decimal Numbers

Go MathRounding Off Numbers
Math LeagueRounding Decimal Numbers
Math.comEstimating and Rounding Decimals

Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Numbers
Interactive MathematicsAddition and Subtraction of Decimals
Math LeagueAdding Decimals
Math LeagueSubtracting Decimals
The Math PageAdd Whole Numbers/Add Decimals
The Math PageSubtract Whole Numbers/Subtract Decimals

Multiplication of Decimal Numbers
Interactive MathematicsMultiplication of a Decimal by a Power of Ten
Interactive MathematicsMultiplication of a Decimal Number by Another Decimal Number
Interactive MathematicsMultiplication of Decimals
Math LeagueMultiplying Decimal Numbers
The Math PageMultiply Whole Numbers/Multiply Decimals

Division of Decimal Numbers
Interactive MathematicsDivision of a Decimal by a Whole Number
Interactive MathematicsDivision of a Decimal by a Power of Ten
Interactive MathematicsDivision of a Decimal by Another Decimal
Interactive MathematicsDivision of Decimals
Math LeagueDividing Decimals by Whole Numbers
Math LeagueDividing Decimals by Decimals
MCWDNDividing Decimals
The Math PageDivide Decimals

Repeating Decimals
Daniel SedoryRepeating Decimals
Fact MonsterCommon Repeating Decimals and Their Equivalent Fractions
Jim Loy.999999 . . .

Conversions Between Decimal Numbers and Percentages
Dan's MathPercentages and Decimals
Interactive MathematicsChanging a Percentage to a Decimal

Conversions Between Decimal Numbers and Fractions
Go MathDecimals, Fractions & Percent
Jim ReedDecimal Conversion
LearningWavePlace Value and the Relationship Between Fractions and Decimals
The Math PageFractions into Decimals
WebMathConverting Fractions to Decimals
WebMathConverting Decimals to Fractions
WebMathConverting Fractions to Decimals

Conversions Between Decimal Numbers and Other Forms
Interactive MathematicsChanging a Decimal or Fraction to a Percentage
Utah State UniversityPercentages, Fractions, and Decimals
WebMathConvert Between Regular Decimals and Scientific Notation

Online Practice - The Basics
Math NotesReading and Writing Decimals
The Math PageThe Meaning of Decimals - Problems

Online Practice - Decimal Addition
KidportAddition with One Decimal Digit
KidportAddition with Two Decimal Digits
KidportAddition with Three Decimal Digits
Math Fact CaféDecimal Addition 1 to 9 #1
Math Fact CaféDecimal Addition 1 to 9 #2
Math Fact CaféDecimal Addition 1 to 9 #3
Math Fact CaféDecimal Addition 10 to 99 #1
Math Fact CaféDecimal Addition 10 to 99 #2
Math Fact CaféDecimal Addition 10 to 99 #3
Math NotesAdding Decimals

Online Practice - Decimal Subtraction
BasketMath InteractiveDecimal Subtraction
KidportSubtraction with One Decimal Digit
KidportSubtraction with Three Decimal Digits
Math Fact CaféDecimal Subtraction 1 to 9 #1
Math Fact CaféDecimal Subtraction 1 to 9 #2
Math Fact CaféDecimal Subtraction 1 to 9 #3
Math Fact CaféDecimal Subtraction 10 to 99 #1
Math Fact CaféDecimal Subtraction 10 to 99 #2
Math Fact CaféDecimal Subtraction 10 to 99 #3
Math NotesSubtracting Decimals

Online Practice - Decimal Multiplication
Exeter CIMTMultiplying with Decimals
KidportMultiplication with One Decimal Digit
KidportMultiplication with Two Decimal Digits
Math NotesMultiplying Decimals

Online Practice - Decimal Division
BasketMath InteractiveDecimal Division
Math NotesDividing Decimals
MCWDNDividing Decimals - Quiz
The Math PageDivide Decimals - Problems

Online Practice - Converting Between Decimal Numbers and Other Types of Numbers
Exeter CIMTConverting Decimals into Fractions
Exeter CIMTConverting Fractions into Decimals
Math NotesWriting Fractions as Decimals
QuiaFraction - Decimal Conversion
QuiaFraction and Decimal Equivalents
QuiaFraction/Decimal Percent Jeopardy
Toon UniversityConverting Fractions to Decimals

Online Practice - Other
Debbie KellDecimals Practice Test
Exeter CIMTAddition and Subtraction of Decimals
GamequariumDecimal Games
Math NotesRounding Decimals
QuiaDecimal and Whole Number Jeopardy
QuiaRounding Decimals/Whole Numbers
Teaching TreasuresRounding Decimal Flashcards

Worksheets - Rounding
DositeyRounding to Nearest Whole Number
DositeyRounding to Tenths
DositeyRounding to Hundredths
Go MathRound Off Numbers Worksheet

Worksheets - Adding Decimals
A+ MathDecimal Addition Worksheets
DositeyAdding Decimal Numbers (1)
DositeyAdding Decimal Numbers (2)
S&S SoftwareDecimal Addition Worksheets
Teach-nologyAdding Decimals - 1
Teach-nologyAdding Decimals - 2
Teach-nologyAdding Decimals - 3

Worksheets - Subtracting Decimals
A+ MathDecimal Subtraction Worksheets
DositeySubtracting Decimal Numbers
S&S SoftwareDecimal Subtraction Worksheets
Teach-nologySubtracting Decimals - 1
Teach-nologySubtracting Decimals - 2
Teach-nologySubtracting Decimals - 3

Worksheets - Multiplying Decimals
A+ MathDecimal Multiplication Worksheets
DositeyMultiplication by an Integer
S&S SoftwareDecimal Multiplication Worksheets
Teach-nologyMultiplying Decimals - 1
Teach-nologyMultiplying Decimals - 2
Teach-nologyMultiplying Decimals - 3
TLS BooksMultiply Decimals

Worksheets - Dividing Decimals
A+ MathDecimal Division Worksheets
S&S SoftwareDecimal Division Worksheets

Worksheets - Comparing Decimals
Teach-nologyComparing Decimals - 1
Teach-nologyComparing Decimals - 2
Teach-nologyComparing Decimals - 3
Teach-nologyComparing Decimals - 4
Teach-nologyComparing Decimals - 5

Worksheets - Comparing Decimals and Fractions
Teach-nologyComparing: Fractions and Decimals - 1
Teach-nologyComparing: Fractions and Decimals - 2
Teach-nologyComparing: Fractions and Decimals - 3
Teach-nologyComparing: Fractions and Decimals - 4
Teach-nologyComparing: Fractions and Decimals - 5

Worksheets - Other Topics
Go MathDecimal Numbers Worksheet
Go MathDecimal, Fraction & Percentage Worksheet
SuperKidsSuperKids Math Worksheet Creator - Comparing Values

Copyright 2004 by Brad Jolly
Page last updated: January 1, 2005