M5 Home Page
Trigonometry - Formulas

Formulas for Calculations
All About CircuitsTrigonometric Equivalencies
Cuthbert NyackTrigonometric Relations
Dave JoyceSummary of Trigonometric Identities
KryssTalTrigonometric Equations
Math ForumTrigonometry Formulas
Math.comTrigonometric Identities
NAME ProjectSmall Angles
NAME ProjectTrigonometric Ratios for Accute Angles
NAME ProjectTrigonometric Identities
Project A LevelPythagorean Identities

Formulas for Compound, Half, and Double Angles
NAME ProjectCompound Angles and Calculations
NAME ProjectDouble Angle Formulae
NAME ProjectHalf Angle Formulae
Project A LevelCompound Angle Formulae

Law of Sines
Dan's MathSolving General Triangles, Law of Sines and Cosines
Dave JoyceLaws of Cosines and Sines
GCSE BiteSize RevisionSine Rule
NAME ProjectSine Rule
Project A LevelSine and Cosine Formulae
Wolfram ResearchLaw of Sines

Law of Cosines
Alan SelbyThe Cosine Law
Dan's MathSolving General Triangles, Law of Sines and Cosines
Dave JoyceLaws of Cosines and Sines
GCSE BiteSize RevisionCosine Rule
NAME ProjectCosine Rule
Project A LevelSine and Cosine Formulae

Area of a Triangle
Dave JoyceArea of a Triangle
GCSE BiteSize RevisionArea of a Triangle
Project A LevelSine and Cosine Formulae

Other Specific Topics
Integrated PublishingDistance from a Point to a Line
Math.comTrigonometric Tables

Interactive Demonstrations
Math Education and TechnologyLaw of Sines
University of ViennaTriangle and Law of Sines

Online Practice
Algebra LabBasic Trig Identities
GCSE BiteSize RevisionSine and Cosine Rules and Area of a Triangle TestBite

Copyright 2004 by Brad Jolly
Page last updated: January 1, 2005